6 min read
Top 5 Most Popular Turkish Foods( That Are Actually Good)

In the last ten years, cities all over the world  have witnessed the emergence of numerous diverse cultures.

Every day  seems to be a different type of food for us to try, from Thai food to Korean BBQ and even French food.

It seems like a new type of food is available for you to try every day.While some of these cultures, such as Italian or German food, have been around for a very long time, others have only gained popularity in recent years.

That being said, one culture that has received a lot of attention recently is Turkish food.

Many people probably can't think of anything more Turkish than kebabs at this point.

However, while you may think every restaurant will be filled with grilled meats on sticks at this point, there are many more things to Turkish food than most people realize.

What is Turkish food?

What is Turkish food?

If you go to the Wikipedia page for Turkish food, you will find a list of about seven different types of cuisine, with even more subtypes.

This shows just how diverse Turkish food is, and it makes sense, given that Turkey is situated between the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.

As such, it has been influenced by all three of these continents throughout history, which has resulted in a unique cuisine. 

grilled meats, as well as various types of rice. There are a few other elements to Turkish food, though, that you might not be aware of. 

For example, Turkish desserts are genuinely out of this world, and they are some of the most unique and delicious things we've ever tried.

Turkish Breakfast

best Turkish Breakfast

In Turkey, breakfast is a meal that you would enjoy either in the late afternoon or in the early evening.

When you visit Turkey, don't be surprised if a local restaurant serves you a breakfast dish for dinner.

It is customary here in Turkey, and you can expect to find all kinds of dishes for breakfast.

One of the most popular dishes for breakfast, as well as dinner, is menemen.

Menemen is served as a side dish in the evening. It is typically the main dish for breakfast, and a slice of bread usually accompanies it.

This dish consists of eggs, tomatoes, and peppers. You can also eat it with rice if you prefer.

It is important to note that menemen is not a mix of all three ingredients, but rather a dish where each component is cooked separately and then put together for the final dish.

While you can't go wrong with Menemen, there are also many other breakfast dishes in Turkey.

These include eggs, cheese, olives, honey, and even mulukhiyah, a traditional lamb dish.

Kebabs ( And Other Grilled Meats)

When most people think of Turkish food, the first thing that comes to mind is grilled meat. 

This is because kebabs are a trendy dish in Turkey.

Kebabs are so prevalent in Turkey that you won't be able to walk down the street without being offered one at some point.In most cases, you will be offered a dish called Doner kebab. 

This is the Turkish name for a gyro, which is a Greek dish that is quite similar.

If you are offered a Doner kebab, you can typically just accept it and enjoy it just as you would a gyro.

While Doner kebab is a trendy dish, there are also other grilled meats that are not gyros that are a part of Turkish cuisine.

For example, Turkish Kavurma is a dish that consists of meat and vegetables that have been grilled together.

In the United States, kavurma is sometimes referred to as shish kebab.

Stuffed Pasta

Turkish Stuffed Pasta

While pasta is a prevalent dish in many different cultures, eastern Mediterranean cuisine, including Turkish cuisine, has its own unique version of stuffed pasta.

This dish is known as muhallebi, and it is a baked pasta dish that is often served with milk or cream.

You can find muhallebi in many eastern Mediterranean countries, but it is a staple of Turkish cuisine.

The dish has two variations: MuhallebiThis variant is milk-based, and it is often eaten as a dessert. It is also a trendy way to finish a Turkish meal.

Muhallebi Dolmasi

Turkish vegetable rice

This variant is a baked pasta dish filled with a mixture of potatoes, onions, and rice.It is normally eaten as a main dish.

Dolma ( Vegetables and Rice)Dolma is a dish that consists of stuffed vegetables. 

These vegetables are usually stuffed with rice, herbs, and sometimes spices.

They are often eaten as a side dish, but they can also be a main dish if you have enough stuffed vegetables on your table.

While there are many different types of dolma, the most popular one is grape dolma.

This dolma is made by stuffing grape leaves with a rice and herb mixture.

 It is the grape dolma that is most commonly served as a side dish at Turkish restaurants.That being said, however, you can also find other types of dolma being served.

Baklava ( With Or Without Walnuts)

Turkish Baklava dessert

Baklava is a Turkish dessert made of many layers of phyllo dough, honey, and chopped nuts.

While many believe that baklava is the most popular Turkish dessert, it comes in second place behind a different type of dessert.

Baklava is a trendy dish in Turkey. It is usually made in large quantities and is a great way to celebrate a special occasion.However, you may be surprised if you go to a Turkish restaurant and order a Batavia dessert.

 This is because baklava is often served with a lot of syrup, which makes it very sweet.

For this reason, balava can be a heavy and decadent dessert, making it difficult to eat during a celebratory meal.


As you can see, there is more to Turkish food than just kebabs and dolma.

While these dishes are a part of Turkish cuisine, they are far from the only ones.

There are many more dishes that fit into the Turkish food spectrum.When you go to a Turkish restaurant in the future, don't be surprised if you find yourself being offered something that isn't a kebab.

There is much more to Turkish food than most people realize, and you shouldn't be afraid to try something new and unexpected.