4 min read
10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family.

Are you planning a trip to Rome with your family? 

Do you know what places to visit?
Are you worried about how to keep everyone happy and entertained during your stay there?

Don't worry, we have the perfect solution for that. There are lots of things to do in Rome, and it can be overwhelming, especially if it is your first time visiting the city.

However, there is something for everyone. There are a lot of things to do and see in Rome with your family, no matter what interests you or the children have.

Below, we have listed the 10 best places you can visit in Rome with your family.

10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family


The Colosseum is one of the best and most famous places in Rome to visit with your family. It is a famous arena built in the 1st century BC.

The epic structure is quite simple and breathtaking, and there is no better place to get a true sense of ancient Rome than here. 

While the Colosseum is a big and fascinating place to have an adventure, the views are truly spectacular while you are actually inside!

The Colosseum is definitely a must-see if you are visiting Rome with your family.

The Colosseum has a long history and has been used for many different purposes throughout its lifetime.

It used to be a place for people to watch gladiators fall to their deaths. 

It was also a place that was used to hold large celebrations. The Colosseum was also used as a place to hold mock naval battles

Rome Forum

10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family

The Rome Forum is another great place to visit with your family in Rome.

It is one of the most important and ancient in Rome. It is a large public area and market place where people use to gather to discuss.It is also the site where Juilus Caesar was assassinated. 

There are many remains of the ancient instructor and temple in the forum, so your children can get a real sense of what life was like for the ancient Romans.

The Rome Forum is definitely an interesting place to visit with your family. You can see the place where the Roman Senate used to meet. You can also visit the house where Julius Caesar was assassinated.

There  are many things to see and do as you walk around the Forum.

You can also visit the nearby Palatine Hill, The Palatine Hill is much smaller than the Forum, but it offers a different view and insight into the lives of the Ancient Romans.

Vatican City

10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family

The Vatican City is a great place to visit in Rome with your family. It is a tiny sovereign state within the city of Rome and the hope of the pope.

The Vatican is the smallest country in the world"! The Vatican is a truly unique place, and there are many things to do and see while you are there.

You have the opportunity to visit the beautiful Vatican Museums, which are home to many famous artworks. There are also many beautiful gardens in the Vatican that are worth a visit.

The Sistine Chapel is also one of the highlights of a trip to the Vatican. 

There are many other places to visit in the Vatican. For example, the Basilica of Saint Peter, the indoor public square, the Apostolic Palace, and St. Peter's Basilica.

Trevi Fountain

10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family

The Trevi Fountain is a top place in Rome with your family.It is a beautiful and historic fountain located at the end of the famous Via Veneto. 

It is one of the most iconic sights in Rome and a great place for photographs. 

The Trevi Fountain is one of the most beautiful places to visit at any time of the year,but especially during the spring when the flowers are blooming.

Surrounding the fountain are many cafes, restaurants, and shops where you can enjoy a rest after exploring the fountain. 

The fountain is also very close to one of the most famous and important sights in Rome, and that is the Spanish Steps.

Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps are another great place to visit in Rome with your family.

 They are a large set of marble steos that lead up to the Piazza di Spagna. 

The beautiful steps are one of the most famous places to visit in Rome.

 The Spanish Steps are a great place to visit in Rome with the family,especially if it is a nice day. 

There are many cafes, shops, and beautiful gardens that surround the square, so you can enjoy a nice afternoon surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of Rome.

 You can also visit the nearby Pizza di Spagna while you are  there. The Piazza di Spagna is one of the most beautiful squares in all of Rome. 

You can also see the beautiful church, Basilica di Santa Maria di Loreto, at the top of the steps.

Visit The Zoo

10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family

If your children are animal lovers, then a trip to a nearby zoo will keep them happy and entertained for hours. 

There are a lot of great zoos near Rome, including the famous Bioparco Zoo. 

There are many different animals to see at the zoo, and you can even go behind the scenes and meet some of the animals up close at the zoo. 

After visiting the zoo, you can enjoy a relaxing walk through the nearby botanical gardens.

Check out The Local Market and Eat Together

10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family

There are many local markets  that are definitely worth visiting during your stay in Rome. You can visit the famous Mercato di Traiano market, which is full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other local produce.

You can also visit the food markets, which sell many different types of food, including freshly-made pizzas and pasta. 

After visiting the market, you can go together and eat.

There are many traditional and popular foods to eat with family,including pizza,pasta and gelato

Rome is full of beautiful gardens, go and see!

10 Best Places To Visit In Rome

Rome has so many beautiful gardens that are worth visiting. 

You can visit the beautiful and large Borghese Gardens, which are located very close to the Spanish Steps. 

You can also go to the beautiful and historic Villa Farnesina gardens, which are located near the Colosseum. There are also many other beautiful gardens in the Palace of Venaria Reale. 

Why not visit these beautiful gardens during your stay in Rome and enjoy some peaceful time away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


There are plenty of great places to visit in Rome with your family. 

Whether you want to see some important historical sites, explore nature and the outdoors, or just eat some delicious Italian food, there is something for everyone.

 We hope you enjoyed this article and found some useful tips. Happy exploring! Now that you know what places to visit in Rome with family,you can start to plan your trip.

Hopefully, you now feel a little less overwhelmed by the thought of planning a trip to Rome with your family. 

With this article, we hope that you now know that there are plenty of things to see and do in Rome. 

I hope that you will now be able to plan an amazing trip to Rome with your family.