3 min read
5 Ways  You can  save Money When Travel To Rome

When you think about the Eternal City, images of the ancient ruins come to mind, and you can't help but feel a little intimidated. 

But you should not worry, because there are ways to save money while traveling to Rome that won't break the bank.

As mentioned in one of our blog posts, the lovely city of Rome is also a city of fountains and beautiful sights.  10 Best Places To Visit In Rome: With Your Family).  

So, if you are planning on heading over there, here are some ways that will help keep your costs low.

This article will give you some helpful tips and tricks for how you can travel to Rome on a smaller budget without having to sacrifice your experience or miss out on all the things you would love to see, do, and eat. 

This blog post will cover everything from accommodation options and transportation costs to day-trip tours and hidden gems that are free or cost very little. Let's get started!

Walk,Walk, and Walk

5 Ways  You can  safe Money When Travel To Rome

Rome is a city that is best enjoyed on foot. It is also one of the best ways to save money in the Eternal City.

By walking, you'll be able to see and experience way more than if you had taken a taxi or an expensive guided tour.

If you do decide to take a guided walking tour, these are a lot cheaper than a taxi tour but may not be as in-depth.

You'll also be able to save a lot of money by skipping the public transportation in Rome, as it is very expensive, and walking will allow you to really take in the city and see so much more.

If you do want to take public transportation, you can purchase a 72-hour pass that will allow you unlimited rides.

This will help you save some money, but you may want to consider walking even on days when you'd like to hop on the metro for a quicker ride to your next destination.

Watch For Deals And Stay In Hostels

5 Ways  You can  safe Money When Travel To Rome

If you are looking to save money on accommodation, hostels are a great way to do so.

Hostels are often much cheaper than hotels, and you'll be staying with other travelers. This can be a great way to make new friends and share information about places.

 If you want to save even more money while staying in a hostel, consider staying during the winter months if you are visiting during the warmer summer season.

This can help you save a lot of money on your stay. 

You can also consider booking a stay at a women's hostel association if you want to save even more money.

 Women's hostels are often even cheaper than normal hostels. 

These are a great option if you are traveling alone.

Go  during The Off Season

5 Ways  You can  safe Money When Travel To Rome

If you are able to plan your trip  to Rome, it's best to do so during the off-season. You'll be able to save a lot of money.

Even though the weather will  likely be cooler and more rainy, you'll be able to save a lot of money on accommodations, food, transportation, and guided tours. 

In the warmer months, you'll be able to enjoy the city more since it will likely be less crowded, and you'll have a better chance of avoiding the bad weather.

If you are heading to Rome during the off-season, you may want to think about booking a guided tour to make sure you see everything you want to.

You also need to note that if you don't book a tour, you may find that a lot of the popular sights will be closed, and you might miss out on a whole range of important information about the city and its history.

Visit During The Day

  safe Money When Travel To Rome

A lot of the popular attractions in Rome charge a ton of money to visit during the evening, so if you visit during the day, you'll be able to save a lot of money.

You may also want to think about visiting during the week if you want to save even more money.

I you are able to visit the Colosseum during the day, the crowds will be smaller and you will be able to take in the site in a more peaceful way.

If you visit during the evening, you'll be dealing with a lot more people and will have to deal with the noise from the shows that are sometimes performed there.

Check Out Rome's Food Market

  safe Money When Travel To Rome

Another great way to save money while visiting Rome is to check out its food markets.

There are a lot of different kinds of delicious food and snacks for a fraction of the price you'd pay for them in a restaurant or store.

Within the Rome Food Market, you can find some great souvenirs, and you'll be supporting local businesses and workers, which is always a great thing.

If you want to save a lot of money while visiting Rome and eating the amazing food that is available there, consider visiting the food markets.

You'll be able to find lots of delicious and affordable food, and you'll support local businesses.

What'snot to love?


This  article has given you some great tips and tricks for how you can travel to Rome on a smaller budget without having to sacrifice your experience or miss out on all the things you want to see, do, and eat.

We'll cover everything from accommodation options to transportation costs to day trip tours and hidden gems that are free or cost very little.

Let's get started! First, walk, walk, walk and watch for deals; then, stay in hostels. 

Then go during the off-season, visit during the day, and check out Rome's food markets.

With these tips, you'll be able to save a lot of money while traveling to Rome and enjoying the rich culture, ancient history, and beautiful sights that the city has to offer.