6 min read
10 Places to Visit in Turkey That You Won't Believe Exist

The Republic of Turkey is a magical place filled with beautiful landscapes, ancient history, and modern attractions. 

Even though the country is relatively small, there are many places to visit in Turkey that you won't believe exist.

From underground cities to fairy chimney and icy valleys, here are 10 unbelievable places in Turkey that you absolutely must see before you die.

If you're looking for inspiration for your next vacation or just want to plan an upcoming trip, we have you convered. 

Let's take a look at these 10 Hidden gems in the land of the  Turks...

                                                              Lake Van

Lake Van is Turkey's largest lake and a popular place to visit in Turkey.It is a freshwater lake in the far east of Turkey and the Van province, with a surface area of about 5,00 square kilometres and a depth of 52 metres.

The lake is famous for its large volume and rich content of dissolved salts.

The lake has an extremely rich and diverse biota: about 3,500 species of aquatic plants about 8,000 species of microbes, about 3,500 species of aquatic plants, about 1,000 species of helophytes ( growing in fresh water along the shoreline) about 800 species of birds are found here.

The lake is also home to the Van Golu can biodiversity, although the ecosystem is currently threatened by pollution.

The lake and surrounding area are an amazing place to visit in Turkey.


cappadocia is a magical place to visit in Turkey that you won't believe exsits.

It is a large historical region in central Turkey and is most famous for its stunning landscape of hot air balloons and fairy chimneys.

Cappadoria is known for its very  long history,that as evidenced by its rich archaeological sites.

This area was a home to the Hittites, Greeks, and Persians, and also to the catholic and orthodox monasteries in the Middle Ages back then.

Its is an amazing place to visit in Turkey, especially if you are into sports and want to skydive, paraglide or base jump from an avian heart.

Cappadocia  is also known for its famous hot air balloon flight, which are a must-see during your trip to this place.

                                                            Blue Cave

You must see Blue Cave on any trip to Turkey.

This cave is located in the sea of Marmaris, near to the Southern coast of Turkey. Blue Cave is known or famous or its stunning bright blue colour, ormed by the dun reflecting off the white rocks inside the cave and the blue water outside.

The cave is a strange but yet beautiful a place to visit in Turkey and is a must-see during any trip  to this beautiful Country.

The cave is a real blue paradise that you won't believe exits. 

It is an incredible place to swim during the day and prefect for scuba diving and also perfect for under water photography. 

This water is clear as crystal and I can sure you that you will be amazed by the amazing underwater life.

                                                     Fairy Chimneys

Fairy Chimneys is a place to visit in Turkey that you won't believe exists. you can located this amazing place above the famous  holiday resort of Cappadocia, in the central Anatolian Region of Turkey.

Fair Chimneys are strange with beautiful rock formations formed by Eroded Volcanic Ash.

These rocks have been eroded over thousands of years to create beautiful fascinating shapes and sizes, such as towers, mushrooms, and pillars.  

These places are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is a magical place to visit with family in Turkey.

The most beautiful part about it, is that you can visit during anytime of the year, but just to let you know  they look especially amazing covered in snow during the winter months.

You must see Fairy Chimneys on your next visit to Turkey.

                                           Sumela And Ottoman Ruins

Sumela is a must-see destination on any trip to Turkey and one of the place to visit in Turkey that you won't believe exists.

It is stunningly beautiful Orthodox monastery, built on a sheer cliff face high in the mountains.

Sumela is one of the oldest monasteries in all of Christianity, dating back to the 9th century.

It is also home to some of the most amazing Ottoman architecture and is considered a UNESCO world Heritage Site.

Sumela is a spectacular site to visit in Turkey and is one of the most beautiful places in all of the country. 

It is a must-see on any trip to the East Asian Country.

                                                Nemrut Mountain

Nemrut Mountain is a stunningly beautiful place to visit in Turkey. you can locate the Nemrut Mountain in the province of Kahramanmaras in Southern Turkey, about 12 kilometres from the border with Syria.

To most people , Nemrut Mountain is considered to be the Mount Olympus of the East.

It is famous for its large statues and rock reliefs depicting the gods off the ancient Middle East and Persia.

Nemrut Mountain is a spectacular site to visit in Turkey and one of the most famous places to visit in Turkey.

It is a must-see on your trip to this country.

                                             Lznik And Ananturun Ruins

Lznik and Ananturun Ruins are a fantastic place to visit in turkey. they are located in the northwest off the country, near the town of Bursa. Both sites are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, dating back to the Ottoman Empire.

The Ananturun  beehive kilns are one of the places to visit Turkey that you won't believe exists. They are the second largest beehive kilns in the world and are a spectacular site to visit in turkey.

The Lznik pottery is another must see during any trip to this country.It is one of the most famous types of pottery in the world. The lznik pottery is an amazing place to visit in turkey and one off the most famous place to visit.

                                               Burdur and Mardin Rotas

You should visit these places on your next trip to Turkey.

 Burdur is a beautiful city in southern Turkey, famous for its vineyards, hot springs and beautiful lakes.

It is also a home for the famous Haman, a traditional Turkish bath.

Mardin is a small city in the south eastern region of turkey.

 It is situated on the edge of the desert, close to the Syrian border.

Burdur and Mardin Rotas are the two best place to visit in Turkey, they are a great mix of ancient history, warm hospitality, stunning landscapes, and amazing culture attraction.

                                    Konya : The City Of Prophets

Konya is one of the most important places to visit in Turkey. It is a magical city in the south off the country and famous for its ancient history,glorious mosques and unique culture.

Konya is called the city of the prophet Mohammed. Konya is one of the most important place to visit in Turkey a place with culture and history are perfectly combined.

It is a must-see on any trip to Turkey and one of the most famous places to visit in Turkey.


Now that you've read our article, we hope that you'll be more excited than ever to visit Turkey! 

We encourage you to explore this beautiful country and discover its fascinating wonders.

From the incredible natural landscapes to the rich history and culture, its no wonder that turkey attracts thousands of tourists each year.

If you are planning a trip to turkey, you should make sure to see these amazing place.

After reading this article you should be eager than ever to go to turkey! 

We want you to see this beautiful country, and find out about its  amazing things.

You won't regret it.